Spirit of halloween
Spirit of halloween

Glancing appreciatively over Prescott’s lithe form, Myles admired the loving craftsmanship that had gone into his friend’s costume: Prescott was dressed as a brown rabbit in an expertly-made, furred bodysuit that he had complemented with face paint representative of whiskers, and a pair of large ears sprouting from his tousle of short blond hair. I was so excited to see you get to show it off, but now it’s nice to spend some quality time alone together.” “I know how much work you put into that costume. He wrapped an arm around Prescott, squeezing him close against his side. “Hey, don’t sweat it,” Myles replied, scooting closer to his friend and biggest crush. “That party was fun and all, but you know how big crowds can be pretty draining for me,” Prescott explained apologetically. Sitting on a bench together with his close friend, just minutes before midnight, an eerie, yet calming aura descended upon the quiet, abandoned graveyard. The familiar, old cemetery he’d seen countless times in daylight somehow transformed into another world when it was bathed in a pale lunar glow on Halloween night.

spirit of halloween

“Great idea to come here,” Prescott praised his friend, looking around with wonder. ‘Neath wispy clouds, in the stark glow of the fullest of moons, this unwitting duo shall discover the power unleashed for but a few hours each year, on Halloween night.

spirit of halloween

Oh, what fortune! For the Spirit of Halloween himself shall bestow upon these very grounds his chilling and incredible presence.

spirit of halloween

On the most frightful eve, two friends shall visit an abandoned cemetery, decrepit and crumbling from years of neglect. Which of these tales are fact and which are fancy, few can say but to those who have experienced it firsthand, undeniable is the latent magic which emerges each Halloween night. But stories of mischief and horror abound: vampires rising from their crypts, witches casting vile hexes, even a Headless Horseman roaming the town streets by moonlight. For most, All Hallows' Eve is little more than an excuse to carve pumpkins, attend parties, and consume gluttonous quantities of candy.

Spirit of halloween